Mar 7, 2011

Does God Exist?

Chances are that you believe in God. So why am I writing this? Certainly not to convince you, because you already believe there is a God (I hope). The truth is, many Christians today believe in God but don’t know exactly why they believe in God. It is incredibly important that a Christian be able to give a solid defense for his or her faith in God, and not just say ‘because the Bible says so’ (I Peter 3:15).This blog will explain why I believe, and know, God exists. Hopefully by the end of it you will too!!
  1. Evil exists.
    Everyone agrees that there is evil in the world, right? One only has to look at tragedies like the Holocaust and 9/11 to know evil exists. If evil exists in the world, it stands to reason that absolute right exists as well. Since there is absolute right, there must be someone who enforces the natural laws of what’s good and what’s evil.
  2. Everyone has morals.
    Every individual in the world is born with a basic sense of what’s right and what’s wrong. Everyone knows it’s wrong to cheat, lie, steal, murder, rape, and so on.
    Who put this inherent sense of right and wrong within us? Who but God?
  3. There is a moral authority.
    Since everyone has morals, it stands to reason that there is someone to enforce those morals. Otherwise, what would be the point of those inherent morals?
    Thomas Warren stated, “If the conduct of a society, individual, or specified group can come under criticism, there is a God. If there is no God, then the behavior of anyone anywhere cannot be criticized.”
  4. There is a design.
    The universe and the earth and every living creature has a design. It is clear in the organization of planets in systems, systems in galaxies and galaxies throughout the universe. It is clear in everything on earth from the food chain to the water cycle to the tilt of the earth in relation to the sun. It is clear in every study of every system and every cell in the human body there is a design. A design demands a designer. It could not have happened by accident.
    Evolutionists theorized that the smaller the organism they studied, the less information and the less organization the organism would have. They have found the exact opposite to be true. Carl Sagan says of the smallest single- celled organism, “There is enough information in the paramecium to fill one hundred million pages of the Encyclopedia Britannica.”

There are many more reasons why God exists, but these are the ones that convince me the most. Have they convinced you? What other evidences of God can you think of?

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