Mar 4, 2011

Bearing Fruit in Chimala

One of the main focuses of the Chimala Bible Institute is evangelism.

Every weekend, a group of students goes out to a different village with an established congregation for the purpose of evangelism. The students go from house to house encouraging people to come to the Saturday night gospel meeting. They also hold Bible studies and invite the villagers to the Sunday morning worship service.

In January, the students visited Sumbawanga and baptized a total of ten people. In Ilemi, three people were baptized. Two people were baptized in Welu and one person in Mbuyuni. A total of eighteen people were baptized from January 7th to January 30th.

In February, three people were baptized in Vwawa and three people in Matebete. One person was baptized in Uzinje and five people were baptized in Sumbawanga. A total of fourteen people were baptized from February 4th through February 20th.

A typical Wednesday evening is likewise evangelistic. This past Wednesday, for example, the short-course teacher, Brent Smith, Garry Hill, the CBI administrator, Atupikisye Mwakyasima, a woman student at CBI, and I went down the road to visit the Chosi A congregation. Lai, a CBI instructor, preached a sermon on the oneness of baptism while Atupikisye and I taught the children. Fifteen children were present and eager to listen. Atupikisye masterfully taught the creation account in Genesis 1, thoroughly engaging the young children in her lesson. It was her first time teaching a children’s class.

It is evident the students’ work in evangelism and their application of their studies at Chimala Bible Institute is very fruitful. Continue to remember us in your prayers as the preachers and teachers of the next generation are trained at the college.


  1. Asante Keith, but it is the students who are doing all the work- I just write about it! :)
